Traditionally a 'White Knight' is a man of supernatural virtue. He is the hero who rescues the helpless maiden and withstands all tests of his virtue to emerge unscathed from the fires of the dragon and the temptations of the enemy.
Sound familiar?
Well, that's the fairy tale. In real life, heroes get tarnished and even fail sometimes. What starts off as a pure white armor is quickly destroyed by the tests and trials of life. Temptation lurks around every corner and a knight relying only on himself is bound to fail. The beauty of a supernatural savior such as ours is the opportunity for all to be washed clean from the soot of life. To once again be as white as snow. My husband is indeed my White Knight, my hero who has been burned by the fires of life, but humbled himself to be wash clean by a loving savior. His testimony has been made stronger by his experiences.
While I was no helpless maiden to be rescued from a dragon, my White Knight saves me everyday from myself. His ability to take lightly those small irritants that would bother me allow me to let go. His deep love for me gives me strength and confidence as a mother, a daughter, a business owner and woman. His unselfishness with time and energy challenges me to give more to those close to me. His care for others calls me to care more. I love him. I love who I am when I am with him. I love who we are together. I love what we will do together. I love the next fifty years we'll be together.
Oh Ms. Grace...I hadn't seen this!!! What a LOVELY, LOVING, and GRACE-FILLED blog. My eyes are full of sweet tears. I thank God for you! I THANK GOD FOR YOU!!!! What a blessing the White Knight has in you...a wife worthy of honor. Did you know that both of his maternal great grandmothers were named Grace? How fitting that YOUR name means grace...and it describes you wonderfully. God has certainlyl graced our family with you! I am blessed and honored to know you and to be a part of your life in the Land of Fern...Lovingly,your admiring m-in-law...